How Do I Respond to a General Question or Convert the Question Into a Quote?

Find information on how to respond to general questions and quote a traveler for Direct Booking Solutions below.

If you have added a 'TourRadar General Question' or 'Contact Us' link on your website (examples below) you are then able to receive 'General Requests' (not linked to a specific tour yet) through the Operator Dashboard.

You will receive an email notification about the request where you can access the Booking Conversation Page (BCP) that was created or open the request through your Operator Dashboard in the 'Enquiries and Bookings' tab.

The customer will have left their general request and questions for you to answer.

Example: Question form & Booking Conversation Page:

If enough information has been provided in the enquiry you can turn this request into a quote by clicking on 'Add Tour' and selecting an itinerary that is already loaded within your TourRadar Dashboard.

(NOTE: This is only used as a base tour, adjustments to the itinerary and price can always be done afterward!)

Choose a tour and click 'Save.' The page will adjust and a pop-up will appear where you can add the correct travel dates and adjust pricing. Afterward, you can also edit the itinerary and what's included section directly from the existing enquiry page.

Within this Booking Conversation Page you can message the customer and inform them about all the adjustments you made, once the customer is happy you can prompt them to book.

Example - Choose a tour 

Example: Booking Conversation Page/ How to update the Quote

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