How to Change the Departure Date?

If a traveler would like to change their departure date, follow the below steps to complete the change.

Travelers can request a date change after the booking is confirmed, if you are able to accommodate their date change request you will need to complete the steps below to ‘Change Departure Date’

  • Open the Booking Conversation Page (BCP)
  • Click the 'Edit Booking' button at the bottom of the price calculator on the left-hand side near the booking total
  • A pop-up will appear with the booking details
  • Click on the ‘Date’ section and a calendar of your available dates will open (if the date is not available, it won't be seen as an option)
  • Select the new departure date for the tour

    Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 2.32.59 PM

  • It will then ask you if you want to Keep Prices or Update Prices (See screenshot below)
  • After you selected the pricing options you Click 'Save'

This will update the tour dates on the booking page and will notify the traveler of the changes. The traveler must approve the changes before the tour will be re-confirmed.