If you need to cancel or remove a traveler from a booking, please follow the steps below.
- Click the 'Edit Booking' button on the left side of the Booking Conversation Page (BCP) to open the price calculator, and click on the 'minus' button in the 'Travelers' field
Note: if you have multiple 'Traveler Types' enabled for the tour, you will see an arrow to click, which will then show the +/- options
2. Select the specific traveler's names from the 'Travelers' dropdown options and click on the 'Save' button to remove the selected traveler
3. You will be redirected back to the 'Trip Details' section. Click the 'Save' button
4. The travelers will be removed from this adventure (both the 'Trip Details' and the 'Travelers' section will not show the travelers removed)
Note: If you are charging a cancellation fee for the traveler you have removed, you will need to click 'Add Item' select 'Cancellation Fee' and input the penalty you are charging for the traveler who has been deleted.