How to Edit the Tour Status?

Edit the Tour Status by following the steps below.

‘Live’ tours are listed on the marketplace and ‘Paused’ tours are not listed.

In order to change the status of your tour, log in to your Operator Dashboard. It will automatically take you to the ‘Tours’ section. Select the tour you wish to change the status of.

  • In the ‘Details’ section, change the ‘Tour Status’ to ‘Paused/Live’ 
  • Click ‘Save Tour’ on the right-hand side
  • If your tour is marked as ‘Live’ and it is missing important information you will see a ‘Tour Listing Status’ of ‘Tour is not listed’. Follow the prompts to complete the required fields

Pausing a tour does not mean the tour is deleted, it simply means it won't be accessible to potential travelers. You will still have access to all previous data captured in relation to this tour in your Operator Dashboard.

Note: Please see ‘Timeframe for Changes to Tour/Profile’