What should I do if I encounter technical issues and/or DBS doesn't seem to work?

If you are having technical issues, please follow these suggestions.

If you are experiencing any issues with your Direct Booking Solution (DBS), specifically related to your tours, please verify the following

  1. Check that the specific adventure has dates, pricing, and availability loaded properly in the Operator Dashboard, as this directly impacts the booking and payment solution on your direct website.
  2. Check if the adventure has been enabled for the Direct Booking Solution. To do so, go to a specific adventure in the Operator Dashboard, click on the tour, and go to the 'Tour Details' tab. Ensure the 'Shop Status' is enabled. 

If you have checked your Operator Dashboard details and cannot find anything wrong, please contact partner-solutions@tourradar.com and provide information on what the issue is and any additional information (including screenshots) that will help us identify the issue quickly.