How to Process Cancellations Requested by Travelers?

Please follow the below steps when you receive a cancellation request from a traveler.

Travelers will contact you via their Booking Conversation Page (BCP) to request a cancellation of their tour.

Please note that when booking, travelers have agreed to your T&Cs and Cancellation Policy, therefore when cancelling these will apply. TourRadar always follows the Cancellation Policy of our partners. You have the decision power to waive parts or the total amount of your cancellation fee, TourRadar will always follow your instructions in this case.

These are the steps you should follow when you receive a cancellation request:

  • Try to understand why the traveler needs to cancel their trip and if there is an alternative you can offer to avoid the cancellation, for example, a date change, a different tour, or placing their booking into Credit for Future Tours (CFFT).
  • If no alternative solution is suitable, please advise the traveler via the TourRadar BCP of your cancellation fee (*as defined in the T&Cs of your tour).
  • Only once the traveler agrees to your cancellation fee, please process the cancellation of the tour in your internal system.
  • Click the 'TourRadar' tab and select 'Booking Cancellation'
  • Send us a message and confirm the exact cancellation fee amount to avoid any miscommunication.
  • TourRadar will finalize the cancellation on the booking page and arrange for a refund to the traveler's account within 3-7 business days, if applicable. We will also advise the traveler on their booking page once the refund has been successfully processed.