How to Process Cancellations Requested by Travelers?

Please follow the below steps when you receive a cancellation request from a traveler.

Travel plans don’t always go as expected, and travelers may sometimes ask to cancel their bookings. When this happens, we suggest that you first try to understand their reason for cancelling. If possible, try to offer alternatives, such as changing the travel date or switching to a different tour, to keep the booking. If no suitable alternatives are available, make sure the traveler clearly understands any cancellation fees that may apply.

TourRadar follows the cancellation policy stated in your Terms and Conditions for all customers. It is also up to your team to decide whether to enforce these fees or make an exception for the traveler.

You can process cancellations quickly through the Booking Conversation Page (BCP) by using the new ‘Cancel Booking’ button.

  • Once the traveler has stated that they agreed to your cancellation fee in writing, click the ‘Cancel Booking’ button 
  • Then, enter the total gross cancellation fee amount that the booking will be charged, and select the reason for the cancellation. You can also change the currency of the cancellation fee if needed
  • Please know that immediately after you click ‘Cancel booking’ the booking will be cancelled in our system, and the customer will soon be refunded by our team (if the cancellation fee is lower than the amount that has already been paid)

If you have any challenges with the above workflow, please use the 'TourRadar’ tab, select ‘Booking Cancellation’ and send us a message with your cancellation fee, or any questions that you have.

If only 1 traveler is cancelling in a group, please do not use this workflow, but rather the one outlined here, as the whole booking itself should remain confirmed. 

Customers are subject to the Terms and Conditions, including cancellation fees, that were agreed upon at the time of booking and provided by your team. If you need to make any updates to your T&Cs, please contact us at as soon as possible. Please note that any changes will only apply to future bookings, and not to existing ones.